De duodecim remissionibus peccatorum.

 [PL 67.1040] OPERUM PARS PRIOR. SERMONES. (C,G,S)* S. Caesario Arelatensi ascripti sunt sermones sequentes Appendicis tomi quinti S. Augustini operum, nempe:  [...] HOMILIA XIII.  (Ex Bibliotheca Maxima Patrum Margarini de la Bigne.)

1) The first remission from sins is through our baptism in water, as it is written: “Unless a man be born again of water and of the Holy Spirit, he cannot see the Kingdom of God”. ( John 3:5)

Prima remissio est peccatorum, qua baptizamur in aqua, secundum illud quod scriptum est: Nisi quis renatus fuerit ex aqua et spiritu, non potest videre regnum Dei (Jn. III).

2) The second remission is [through] the emotion of charity, as in the [text] “Many sins are remitted unto her for she hath loved much”. (Luke 7:47)

Secunda remissio est charitatis affectus, ut est illud: Remittuntur ei peccata multa, quia dilexit multum (Luc. VII).

3) The third remission is the fruit of almsgiving, according to this [text]: “As water quenches fire so does almsgiving extinguish sin”.( Ecclus. 3:33)

Tertia remissio est, eleemosynarum fructus, secundum hoc: Sicut aqua exstinguit ignem, ita eleemosyna exstinguit peccatum (Eccli. III).

4) The fourth remission is the shedding of tears, as the Lord says: “Since Ahab wept in my sight and walked sorrowfully in my presence I will not bring evil in his days”. ( III Kings =I Kings in A.V., 21:29).

Quarta remissio, profusio lacrymarum, Domino [Col.1075B] dicente: Quia flevit in conspectu meo, et ambulavit coram me tristis, non inducam malum in diebus ejus (III Reg.).

5) The fifth remission is [through] the confession of wrongfoing, as the Psalmist attests: I said, I will confess my injustices to the Lord, and you ave forgiven the iniquity of my sin. (Ps. 31:5)

Quinta remissio est criminum confessio, Psalmista attestante: Dixi, confitebor adversum me injustitiam meam Domino, et tu remisisti impietatem peccati mei (Psal. XXXI).

6) The sixth remission is affliction of heart and body, as the Apostle consoles: “I have given such a man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1Cor. 5:5)

Sexta remissio est afflictio cordis et corporis, Apostolo consolante: Dedi hujusmodi hominem Satanae, in interitum carnis, ut spiritus salvus fiat in die Domini nostri Jesu Christi (I Cor. V).

7) The seventh remission is [through] the amendment of morals, which is the renunciation of vices, as the evangelist testifies: “Now you are healed; do not sin again, lest something worse befall you. (John 5:14)

Septima remissio est emendatio morum, hoc est abrenuntiatio vitiorum, evangelista testante: Jam sanus factus es, noli ultra peccare, ne quid tibi deterius contingat (Joan. V).

8) The eighth remission is [through] the intercession of the saints, as this [text] states: If anyone is sick, let him bring the priests of the church and let them pray for him, [...] and the continuous prayer of the just avails much before the Lord. ( Jas. 5:14-16)

[Col.1075C] Octava remissio est intercessio sanctorum, ut est illud: Si quis infirmatur, inducat presbyteros Ecclesiae, et orent pro eo. Et multum valet apud Dominum oratio justi assidua (Jac. V).

9) The ninth remission is [through] the merit of mercy and faith, as this [text] says: Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. (Matt. 5:7)

Nona remissio est misericordia fidei meritum, secundum hoc: Beati misericordes, quoniam ipsi misericordiam consequentur (Matth. V).

10) The tenth remission is [through] the salvation of others, as James affirms: He who causes a sinner to be converted from the error of his way will save his soul from death and  cover a multitude of sins; (Matt. 5:7)

Decima remissio est salus aliorum, Jacobo apostolo affirmante: Qui converti fecerit peccatorem ab errore viae suae, salvabit animam ejus a morte, et cooperiet multitudinem peccatorum (Jac. V).

11) The eleventh remission is our pardon and remission, as the Truth [Himself] has promised: Forgive and you shall be forgiven. (Luke 6:37)

Undecima remissio est indulgentia et nostra remissio, Veritate permittente [forte promittente]: Dimittite et dimittetur vobis (Luc. VI).

12) The twelfth is [through] the passion of martyrdom, the sole hope of salvation that pardoned even the cruel robber, as the Lord responded to him, “Amen I say to you this day you shall be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)

Duodecima remissio est passio martyrii, spe [Col.1075D] unicae salutis et indulgentiae, latroni cruento respondente Domino: Amen dico tibi, hodie mecum eris in paradiso (Luc. XXIII).





This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 1990....x....   “”.